Jeff Zimman is the Co-Founder of Posit Science, which makes BrainHQ – the world’s most highly-validated brain fitness app, which has been shown effective in hundreds of studies (improving standard measures of cognition and quality of life, as well as performance at real-world activities). Jeff spearheads the company’s work with key business, non-profit, and governmental organizations (including health plans, medical centers, retirement communities, sports organizations, and the military). Jeff was the founding CEO of the company, raised most of its capital, helped set its vision, and established its leading enterprise partnerships. Prior to Posit Science, Jeff was a venture partner at the venture capital firm VSP, was a managing director and partner at the global investment bank Lazard and was a partner at the global technology law firm Cooley LLP. Prior to graduate school, Jeff was an award-winning newspaper reporter. He received his JD and MBA degrees at Stanford University and his bachelor’s degree at Bowdoin College.