October 10, 2023

There are two ways to train in BrainHQ: personalized training and choosing exercises yourself.

  • Personalized training (available only to subscribers) customizes a schedule for you based on your unique preferences and performance. It’s a great way to train if you’ve subscribed to BrainHQ and want expert input.
  • If you’d like to direct your own training, you can choose a category (Memory, Brain Speed, Attention, People Skills, Intelligence, or Navigation) or an individual exercise. We recommend you start with Attention, and train on those exercise for a week. Move on to the next suite the following week. Cycle through each suite, then repeat! If there’s a specific cognitive area you’d like to improve, such as memory, we recommend you train twice as much in that category as in the others. However, the categories build on one another, so we encourage you to spend some time training outside of the specific area that interests you.

We’ve found that some people are looking for a general brain workout, while others are seeking to improve their performance for a specific reason.