Know Thyself
In Know Thyself, Stephen Fleming, a professor of cognitive neuroscience at University College London, posits that to know yourself—to have introspection, to have self-awareness, to think about what you think and do—is unique to the human experience. In understanding yourself, this “metacognition” can enable us to feel what others are thinking, too—which can be key in understanding people who disagree with...
Knowing What We Know
From the creation of the first encyclopedia to Wikipedia, from ancient museums to modern kindergarten classes--this is award winning writer Simon Winchester's brilliant and all-encompassing look at how humans acquire, retain, and pass on information and data, and how technology continues to change our lives and our minds. With the advent of the internet, any topic we want to know...
Late Bloomers
Author Rich Karlgaard is the publisher of Forbes magazine. But he didn’t get there because he was a young genius who sailed through school and went straight to success. Instead, Karlgaard was one of the “late bloomers” that are the subject of his book. Arguing that it can be a terrible disservice to kids and young adults to obsess over early...
The BrainHQ exercises are based on the scientific principle of brain plasticity—that the brain continually changes itself in response to stimuli, for better or for worse. In Livewired, neuroscientist and best-selling author David Eagleman explores and celebrates the brain’s natural plasticity, in a work that celebrated author Khaled Hosseini describes as “chockfull or mind bending ideas and dazzling insights.” How...
Lost Connections
Why do so many people suffer from depression? Many would say it’s caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain—but author Johann Hari believes there is more to it, and the cure may require much more than antidepressants. In this groundbreaking work, he interviews scientists, thought leaders, and ordinary people to understand how the problem may lie in our modern...
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be bipolar? Marya Hornbacher details her life of mental illness in a brutally honest and eye-opening manner.This New York Times bestseller provides a great window into what it is like to live with a lifelong, devastating diagnosis.
Mind Over Mind
How much do our expectations shape our experience? According to Chris Berdik, the way our brains obsessively focus on unknown future outcomes can have huge effects on reality and perception, and it can work for you or against you. Berdik delves into neuroscience, history, anecdote, and psychology to seek answers to how and why expectations affect us—and how we can...
Mindshift helps us work through some of our preconceived notions about what is possible for us to learn and achieve. It also discusses how traits that may be seen as negative—like worrying and losing focus—have hidden benefits for creativity and success. If you are feeling stuck in a rut, and having trouble moving forward – Mindshift may help you break...
The renowned social scientist, professor, and bestselling author of Predictably Irrational delivers his most urgent and compelling book--an eye-opening exploration of the human side of the misinformation crisis--examining what drives otherwise rational people to adopt deeply irrational beliefs. Misinformation affects all of us on a daily basis--from social media to larger political challenges, from casual conversations in supermarkets, to even...
Modern Art at the Border of Mind and Brain
This brand new book from professor Jonathan Fineberg tackles a subject that’s of interest to many of us: how our interaction with art influences and shapes the brain. He discusses why humans have made art for dozens of millennia, how engaging with art expands our consciousness, and much more.
Moonwalking with Einstein
Citing costly memory-related inconveniences suffered by average individuals, a science journalist chronicles his own struggles with chronic forgetfulness and his life-changing year in memory training, in a guide that shares historical lore and ancient memory techniques.
My First Book about the Brain
How does the brain control the rest of the body? How does it enable the senses, regulate speech, affect balance, and influence sleep and dreams? These 30 full-page illustrations to color help explain every aspect of the brain's big job, from communicating with the central nervous system to retaining memories.